muse: 1. a guide or source of inspiration—2. to gaze meditatively or wonderingly

altar: 1. a structure or place where offerings are made—2. a podium or stage for adoration

Altar to the Muse is a space that honors Animate Sacred Creativity.

Through practice techniques, reflective writing, inquisitive podcasts, and more, it is our desire to offer this earth-centered, dark, fertile, myth, mystery, and story centered space necessary for your innate inspiration to flourish.


About Angie:

“My artistic inspiration comes from the world of nature: the wisp of grass swaying in a winter wind, or the small sprout searching for the sun’s nourishment in spring. In each creation, I invoke…”

About Josh:

My musical roots are uncommon for a singer-songwriter. Described as a Zen-Metal-Freak-Jazz Guru, I am a classically trained guitarist whose playing…


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*we will host in person meetings when it is safe to do so

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